
Biden’s Bewilderment Hits Fever Pitch in Paris, With a Gross Moment Thrown In

Lou Benoist/Pool Photo via AP

Joe Biden is wrapping up his trip to France on Sunday. 

I wrote about his remarks at the state dinner in Paris on Saturday and how he claimed he was a “son of the American Revolution,” also suggesting he might be of some French descent because of his middle name. He just can’t stop adding to that Forrest Gump-like origin story. While he was doing that, Jill was having some trouble getting around in her dress, which looked very odd with a long white train hanging out like a bedsheet behind her. 


Biden’s New Origin Story Gets Even Wilder at State Dinner, While Jill’s Dress Is Just Awful

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But Biden had some more confusing moments as well as a gross one while he was seeing sites in Paris and meeting veterans with French President Emmanuel Macron. 

Joe was blowing his nose, and then they led him off to shake hands with veterans. Yuck.  Notice how his arms don’t seem to swing normally as a person normally does when walking. 

Then Macron’s wife has to direct him where to go. But she walks him a bit, and he doesn’t see her. He suddenly gets confused and looks quickly all around, as though in a panic. Then he has to be helped by the French military official. That is truly bad and embarrassing, but Jill doesn’t seem to care and walks on ahead of him. 

Add that to the stilted walk; he just looks worse and worse. 

Then came more of the perpetual confusion as he got out of the car and made his way a short few feet to a red carpet. He seemed confused about where he was going. 

He had his arms out like he was expecting to shake someone’s hand but no one was there, or he was wondering where people were, with a puzzled look on his face. Then Jill appeared at his side and took his hand, and they walked onto the red carpet that was there. 

Perhaps the AP can do a fact check and explain that moment of confusion. Or any of the many, many, many other similar moments, like these from Normandy. 

Of course, the problem is that they can’t. There is no reasonable explanation that doesn’t end without admitting there’s a serious problem here, despite whatever spin they want to put out there. 

This is the person the Democrats are running, however impaired he is, whatever his issues are. 

How anyone can say they care about the country and vote for this is beyond me. 


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