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Andrew Cuomo Torches Biden, Defends Trump

Shannon Stapleton/Pool via AP

Andrew Cuomo appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” alongside anti-Trump, former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger on Friday, where he didn’t hold back on criticizing President Biden and the Democrat Party while defending former President Donald Trump. You read that right.

The former New York Governor (D) was open and honest about his thoughts on the open border and Trump’s hush money trial, among other topics.

Cuomo on Biden and the Democrats’ illegal immigration policy:

Cuomo is right. New York did not have a plan, yet the leaders welcomed the illegals and announced to the country that they were a sanctuary. Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) took them up on their offer and sent some of the illegals to New York. New York City was overwhelmed and not prepared, as the leaders there claimed to be. 

The former New York Governor continued criticizing Biden, this time for the way the campaign is being run, after Bill Maher asked him whether the president was running a good campaign thus far and what Cuomo would do to make it better:

“I don’t think he’s running an especially good campaign, frankly. I think there’s a big question that he has to answer which is about his age, viability, et cetera. I think the only way you answer that is by getting out there, and letting people see you. That’s the only way you put it to rest. I don’t think you can hide from that, Bill.”

The Democrats will try their best to minimize Biden appearing publicly and giving speeches or taking questions from reporters, and they will cover his mistakes and gaffes by claiming they are “cheap fakes.” It could backfire because COVID is no longer an excuse to hide Biden from voters as they did in 2020. As Cuomo stated, the only option might be for Biden to appear more in the public eye, allowing voters to judge who they want to be the next Commander-in-Chief. 

Cuomo also defended Trump when asked about the New York hush money trial, including his thoughts on the civil fraud trial brought by Attorney General Letitia James, as well:

Here is the full exchange:

What Cuomo said was true, but it will likely fall on deaf ears, as the Democrats think they are doing everything right — from trying to prosecute Trump to not losing any support among black voters to dealing with the border crisis, as the majority of Americans, in poll after poll, disapprove of Biden and his policies. They will be in for a rude awakening in November if they don’t change course.

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