
EARLY: We Are Witnessing The Horrors of Weak American Leadership

The horror in Israel is a byproduct of a foreign policy that shuns the foundation of Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy: Peace through Strength.

The world watched the Joe Biden disaster that unfolded in Afghanistan after he cut and run, leaving our citizens and allies to be slaughtered by the Taliban, Bagram Air Base to be taken over by China, and $80 billion in highly sophisticated military equipment to be gobbled up by all takers including no less than Hamas itself. Biden is the weakest American president since Jimmy Carter and the worst president in my lifetime.

A low-intelligence U.S. President who acts tough but is actually weak is a deadly combination. That, in a nutshell, is Joe Biden. He is likely a felon as well. But no worries – he can conjure up a Cheshire Cat grin at a moment’s notice.

The Iranian Mullahs control Hamas and Hezbollah. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or ignorant or both.  They and their brethren in Al Qaeda and Taliban are experiencing a renaissance under Biden, thanks to his and his cabal’s ignorance and horrendous weakness – a cabal that includes Biden himself, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, John Kerry, Susan Rice and Robert Malley (the last of whom has been quoted as saying Hamas is simply misunderstood, who along with former CIA Director John Brennan appear to be the ones that told Obama ISIS was “a JV Team” and who is now under government investigation for possibly sharing classified information with Iranian mullah informants). They are an embarrassment and a disgrace to our nation.

The Trump Administration had the Mullah regime on its knees. The regime was bankrupted financially thanks to strict sanctions imposed on those who would buy Iranian oil. The largest purchaser – CCP – was warned by Trump not to buy Iranian oil or that America would stop buying Chinese products. There were no hostage ransom payments. 

The Biden Cabal, however, like its puppet master and Mullah-obsessed Obama (and his wingman Susan Rice), believes that making nice to the Mullahs will bring peace in our time. Immediately upon Biden’s assuming office, the oil sanctions stopped being enforced and the cabal began begging Iran to re-enter the nuclear deal which Trump correctly ripped up. Then came the hostage ransom payments. Instead of peace in our time, the butchers — flush with tens of billions of dollars and counting — have unleashed hell on earth.

The Biden Cabal’s appeasement of the Tehran Mullahs and Hamas is on par with Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler. The Mullahs are now flush with cash – tens of billions of dollars – with most of their oil being bought by the Chinese. The Israeli horrors have shown us what Mullah money can buy.

Conservatives who have been watching all of this unfold before our eyes knew from day one of the Biden Administration that it would bring us to chaos and the brink of war with Iran. And here we are. We also know that those demanding Israel negotiate with the butchers, are by accident or design completely ignoring the open, notorious, and endless statements from the evil ones for years – that their singular goal is to wipe Israel off the map.

The tragically inept withdrawal from Afghanistan was the precursor. We watched and the world watched how that travesty unfolded and how the deaths of 13 incredible American patriots went unpunished. That unspeakably horrible event was a ‘tell’ for the evil terror organizations – that we will not respond in a fashion that stops the evil in its tracks.

It is a straight line from weak foreign policy responses to more bloodshed. The Hamas/Iran axis of terror surely learned that it could get away with murder before attacking innocents in Israel after seeing Biden’s deadly foreign policy apparatus failure.

Biden’s speech after the Hamas massacre has been given good reviews as he rightly stated the obvious as he called the Hamas terrorists “pure evil,” even though he recently has used similar language when talking about “semi-fascist” MAGA Republicans, and remarkably continues to pursue a deal with Iran. Biden only now has frozen the $6B he gave to Iran to buy back Americans they held hostage. How much will the Hamas terrorists demand from Joe the easy mark for the hostages they took in their attack on Israel? And still not a single word about again enforcing the oil sanctions.

Once again Biden has talked tough. But unfortunately, many of us and our nation’s most evil enemies know all too well that Biden’s talk is cheap, a flimsy mask for a weak, low-intelligence, decrepit man.

The Biden foreign policy has permitted human-rights blind China — long on a march to spread its Marxism throughout the world with America first on its list — to have listening posts in Cuba, 90 miles away, while the CCP scolds us to our faces for our ‘racist’ treatment of minorities. Russia marches into Ukraine, and we send billions to a nominally corrupt government with no oversight, no strings attached, and apparently no end in sight — to either our largess or the successful end of the conflict.

As I run to represent California in the United States Senate, I can’t sit idly by as Joe Biden and the remnants of the “America-is-not-exceptional” Obama White House make America endure crisis after crisis: Wars in the Middle East and Europe, illegal migrants pouring over a dangerously wide-open Southern border, sky-high inflation, Democrat-led dismantling of law enforcement and the fossil fuel industry, our children’s education turned into far-left indoctrination and shrinking paychecks.

At this writing, 30 Americans have been killed in Hamas terror attacks. That makes 43 Americans killed by terrorists on Biden’s watch with no consequences. It’s time to hold the proven-inept Commander in Chief, running for a second term as President, accountable. What makes anyone think this blood-stained, failed foreign policy will stop with this administration and its willing enablers – including my opponents– still in power? It’s been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. America is not insane.

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