Bill Maher sometimes offers some great advice for his fellow liberals — if they would take it. Last week, he ripped apart the left’s pro-Hamas takes and the false moral equivalency game of trying to “both sides” the issue, and their not calling out the terrorists.
On Friday night, he was truly over the target with what he had to say about colleges on the issue, “as an Ivy League graduate who knows the value of a liberal education.”
“I have one piece of advice for the youth of America,” Maher counseled.
“Don’t go to college. And if you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college, because as recent events have shown, it just makes you stupid.”
Maher opined there were few if any positive things about the Hamas attack on Israel, but that it was opening some people’s eyes to how “higher education has become indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas.” He said while they talk about words being violence and silence being violence, they side with terrorists. These elite students pointed the finger of blame “at the murdered — and then it was off to ethics class.”
Maher noted that “they don’t know much about anything,” but that didn’t stop the students from having an opinion.
They’ve convinced themselves Israel is the most repressive regime in history because they have no knowledge of history or even a desire to know it. And actual history doesn’t come up in their intersectionality of politics and gender queer identities class.
That’s the real problem here. They’re not taught history anymore — they’re taught agenda items. And they don’t know the difference. That’s why we’re seeing so many more brainwashed students. If you wonder why there seem to be more young radicals, it’s this indoctrination that has been going on for some time. And if you send your kids to college, you need to be aware of what’s going on, because this is what is happening particularly at these supposedly “good” schools.
Maher said some of the kids who signed the letter claimed they “didn’t read the letter closely, and they promised not to make that mistake again after they graduate and start running the world.” Of course, that’s a problem too. They saw “Israel,” and knew that their radical left colleagues expected them to bash it. Why be bothered with the facts?
But I actually believe them. They didn’t read the letter closely. I think they scanned it, said it was blaming Israel and went back to surfing Tiktok. Because college life today is a day spa combined with a North Korean reeducation camp. It’s a day care center with a meal plan. Except the toddlers can fire the adults.
The fact that college presidents, who usually love to speak out about anything, couldn’t find their voice to condemn the worst attack since the Holocaust. There’s a lot about who really controls colleges and why, if ignorance is a disease, Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market.
Maher explained what these colleges are now selling is an “illiberal education” where they now pitch segregated dorms, racism against Asians, and chase speakers they disagree with off the campus. Harvard came in dead last in freedom of expression, he observed.
There is only one set of acceptable opinions on campus, and it’s policed hard. The old dorm room bull sessions? It’s less risky shooting the s**t in Scientology.
“Elite schools should no longer be called elite,” Maher urged. “Just say ‘expensive.'”
Because he’s still a liberal, he slipped in a little bashing of Republicans, as well, who go to Harvard or other elite schools. But it’s not the Republicans pushing this craziness.
He said the people who come out of places like Harvard all came out of an “a**hole factory.”
You don’t need “a lifetime of crippling debt” and learning how to hate America, he advised kids thinking about college.
If your parents have 300 grand they absolutely need to flush down the toilet, put it in crypto or buy a van. Go to a national park and feed yourself to a bear. Because any legacy dips**t can go to Penn, but a bear, that’s hard to get into.
Now, that’s an interesting way to avoid that college debt.
Maher just had another ‘blind’ squirrel’ moment 😉
He ought to be careful as he just ‘might’ actually wake up to the real world that us non-elite university grads have had to deal with for our entire lives.
The real issue with his on target observation is that the elite students he refers to simply will not, or refuse to, face reality.
While I agree with the primary argument, as, usual, Bill Maher falls back to embarrass himself and diminish his point by actually naming only elite college Conservatives when, in fact, this is a disease shared equally on both sides of the aisle. In particular, these elitist schools and their “illiberalism” (as he calls it) is entirely LEFT leaning, so why not call out the Liberal politicians who also should be shunned… because he is afraid the audience may not laugh… and after all, THAT is his purpose. he has no intention of restoring the country for the average American; HE IS AN ELITIST with unending funds to carry him through. The sad part is his message TO THE LEFT will be lost and only his CONSERVSATIVE ATTACKS will be remembered!
The school just proves their ignorance as well as the school’s officers and teachers. Islam, except for a few early years, has always been violent and still is. It was peaceful when Mohammed was in Mecca originally but when Mohammed moved to Medina he turned it to violence and started the killings….much like the Demonrats are doing here now. They remain generally savages today except for the very few who want peace.