
Sad Trombone Plays at Harvard as ‘Doxxing Truck’ Enrages Student Group Signers of Anti-Israel Letter

As RedState previously reported, Hamas was still in the midst of massacring Israeli civilians on the weekend of Oct. 7th and 8th when over 30 Harvard student organizations banded together in a show of “solidarity” for the so-called Palestinian cause by writing a letter literally blaming Israel for the terrorist attacks that saw innocents being taken hostage, murderedraped, and infants beheaded.

For those who missed the letter released by the “Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups,” here are its worst excerpts. The full letter, along with the student group signers, is below it:

The apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years. From systematic land seizures to routine airstrikes, arbitrary detentions to military checkpoints, and enforced family separations to targeted killings, Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and stubborn.
Today, the Palestinian ordeal enters into uncharted territory. The coming days will require a firm stand against colonial retaliation. We call on the Harvard community to stop the ongoing annihilation of Palestinians.

The backlash was intense, with major law firms and CEOs demanding to know the names of the students from the groups that signed on to the letter – so that they would know who not to hire.  Some billionaire donors and board members also walked away, disgusted by Harvard’s lackluster response to the letter.

Intensifying everything was something that has been called a “doxxing truck,” which would periodically circle the campus, displaying the names and faces of some of those who had allegedly signed on to the letter:

A billboard truck drove through the streets surrounding Harvard’s campus Wednesday and Thursday, digitally displaying the names and faces of students allegedly affiliated with student groups that signed onto a controversial statement on Hamas’ attack on Israel.
The responses followed the appearance of the billboard truck, which labeled the displayed Harvard students as “antisemites.” The display also referenced a website that listed multiple full names of students associated with organizations that had signed onto the PSC’s statement.
The truck returned to the streets surrounding campus on Thursday morning, drawing jeers from some passers-by. The stunt was sponsored by Accuracy in Media, a conservative media advocacy group.

This week, the doxxing truck took it further, making its way to the homes of some of the alleged signers of the letter. Police were called, but told the supposedly concerned residents that the truck was allowed to be there:

Adam Guillette — the president of news watchdog Accuracy in Media, which deployed the vehicle — told The Post that his organization “expanded our fight against antisemitism at Harvard” by selecting student leaders of the 34 Harvard groups that co-signed a statement saying Israel is “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ attacks, and parking the digital billboard-bearing box truck near their residences.
“We only focus on leaders of these organizations rather than members,” Guillette said Thursday, adding the students’ home addresses “were very easily publicly available.”
On Wednesday, the truck idled in front of the Boston-area home of a 20-year-old female Harvard student who leads one of the groups that did not explicitly condemn Hamas, he said.

Not surprisingly, the doxxing trucks have caused a great wailing and gnashing of teeth at Harvard, which has now created a “task force” to support the allegedly aggrieved students:

No no no – not for Jewish students who’re terrified thanks to anti-Israel protests in support of the same terrorists who massacred 1,200 Jews, cut the heads of Jewish babies, raped young girls and hauled hundreds of innocent civilians off as war prisoners earlier this month. Not them.
No, Harvard here is convening a group to support antisemitic students who’re under fire for penning a pro-Hamas letter condemning the supposed oppression of Palestinians and blaming the Jews for their own murder. Because while these students have all the courage in the world to take a stand for genocide, facing the consequences of their hairbrained actions is just too overwhelming.
“Harvard will establish a task force to support students experiencing doxxing, harassment, and online security issues following backlash against students allegedly affiliated with a statement that held Israel ‘entirely responsible’ for violence in the Israel-Hamas conflict,” the Harvard Crimson reported Tuesday.

Reactions on social media to the existence of the doxxing trucks have been mixed, but this seems to be the conservative consensus:

Your rules, leftists. Your rules.

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  1. It’s disgusting how ignorant and ill informed these completely idiotic defenders of terrorism are. They take excuses and lies told by media outlets and Islamic liars that Israel is at fault. I am 58 years old and since I can remember, Hammas,The PLO,Black October, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, The government of Iran, and other Islamic Terror groups and countries have attacked Israel and usually without provocation. In the 6 days war three primary nations Armies attacked Israel for the singular reason these continue to attack them. Islams perverted Q’ ran is a plagiarized and distorted pile of scriptural distortions that my ancestors Mohammed and his wife along with a Jesuit priest created through their evil blasphemous minds. It claims that Jerusalem is Islams second holiest city after Damascus which is a blatant lie. Those who know history and will honestly teach it know that almost since the beginning of Mesopotamian culture Ur and then Israel have belonged to the Hebrews and only had a few short historical stints where any Islamic country controlled the land.
    Islams major goal is Simple. The far out radical groups like Hammas, Hezbollah, Al Q’ da, Bocca Harram, etc. tell us daily if we will listen that Israel and the United States must be obliterated. Wiped from the face of the Earth. Why because they incorrectly believe that Satan is an idea and that Israel and The U.S. are the two countries most responsible for people not accepting allah and only allah is god. Unfortunately this is also a lie. Yaweh of the Bible is God. If you do not accept allah no matter who you are the only acceptable place for you in their eyes is dead or in Hell. That is what Jihad is for. To kill all of those they perceive as infidels. Infidels will not accept allah. The belief says to accept allah or be killed.
    Israel stands as the true place if God’s people and where God said he will return. Not Damascus as the muslims believe that Mohammed will return to because simply put. In not to many more years Damascus will be no more that a dung heap and Mohammed was not a prophet nor was he the god he wanted to make the Q’ran say he is. He was a false prophet poisoning millions of minds.
    These ignorant children at Harvard do not have the slightest clue what’s true. Israel was recognized in 1948 as the homeland of the Jews and they are established there as is their right. The people in what is called Palestine have no legal or historical rights to the land. They allow Hammas (a well established terrorist group) to govern the area that Israel has graciously allowed them to live in and bent over backwards for decades to actually help those who will live peacefully to not only live but thrive but in return they knowingly our terrorists into their governing body and support it when they attack the very people that allowed them to live in their land. There have been literally thousands of terrorists attacks in Israel since I was able to remember seeing them in TV. The people of Palestine support and aid these terrorists instead of helping the Israeli Defense Force to rud their country of these evil and demented terrorists. No, The people if Palestine have backstabbed and double-crossed Israel for to many years and parties while watching terrorists rape little girls, decapitate babies and spill their blood on the streets, attack civilians in knife, gun, car bombs, truck bombs, missile attacks and any way they can. Their MO has always been killing anyone you can then blame Israel if it is civilians,hospitals, schools, playgrounds, etc. Then play games with the media and twist at any heart string you can lying about how Israel is an evil task master when truthfully it is the people in Palestine who are evil. If you are given homes, land, jobs are created to help you, you are at time gets and cares for by people who you continuously allow attacks to happen to, or are a party to the attacks then you have no excuse and if that cou try finally decides they’ve gad enough and decides its time to hunt down and kill all of the terrorists that keep attacking their people then to friggin bad. If they will not help Israel get rid of these terrorists then they are aiding and empowering and should die with them.
    If these uninformed and ignorant children can not get it through their illiterate heads that the Palestinians are at fault then they need to go back to kindergarten and start over. They do not have the intelligence not the education to become a high school graduate let alone an Ivy league student. Go home and let someone with common sense and a brain use your tuition. You obviously have no need in college.

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