
Ted Cruz Blasts Next Step in Dem Drama on Gaza: ‘Open the Flood Gates’ to Let ‘Refugees’ Into US

Some of the leftist Democrats have gone all in pushing for a ceasefire in Gaza, seemingly helping the Hamas terrorists by arguing against their elimination. That’s pretty bad. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was censured over her antisemitic ad that included the chant “from the river to the sea,” which calls for the elimination of the state of Israel. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) both threw epic tantrums during the discussion of the censure vote on Tuesday.

But that’s just the opening propaganda. There’s more to the drama coming if these folks were to get their way, as our sister site Twitchy noted.

There’s a report from a Senate source indicating that “Sen. Durbin, Congresswoman Jayapal and Congresswoman Schakowsky are circulating this letter calling to open the flood gates for Palestinians to come into the U.S..” The letter talks about extending Temporary Protected Status to people from the “Palestinian territory.”  That would allow people already here to stay and not be removed as long as the designation was in effect. 

Here’s Biden State Department spokesperson Matt Miller saying plans have to be made to deal with refugees.

So you can see the idea as it’s being laid out in real time. 

But people weren’t having it, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) summed it up for many. 


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-TX) also ripped the idea. 

It was predictable that we would see this from the Democrats. 

Americans are a very kind and generous people. 

But it’s beyond questionable to bring in refugees, many of whom have a professed hatred for the United States. We’ve already seen how it’s going with some of the folks already here, like the Palestinian lady in Indianapolis who drove her car into what she thought was a Jewish school. How could you possibly weed out who was a terrorist and who wasn’t? Not that the Biden administration would be trustworthy in any such effort. They don’t even do any real vetting at our Southern border now. God knows how many people who wish us ill are already here. But a flood of refugees would be hazardous. 

Why would anyone supposed to be looking out for the best interests of the United States do that? Unless, of course, they put other interests before those of the United States. 

This video goes into some detail about why their Arab neighbors do not want to take them in, and it isn’t only about supporting them in staying where they are.

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