
The Republican Party Needs to Stop Blaming Their Failures on the Pro-Life Movement

After Republicans suffered electoral losses on Tuesday, center-right pundit Ann Coulter decided to take to X to proclaim that pro-lifers were going to wipe out the Republican Party.

Truth be told, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. While individual Republicans have lived out their pro-life creds (hat tip: Sen. Tommy Tuberville), most of them have a fleeting relationship with the pro-life movement. Conveniently draping themselves in it when they need donations and votes, but making excuses and tacitly ignoring the needs of the pro-life community when the movement could use their voice and face.

The people at LifeNews, a pro-life news site that has been a voice for pro-life activism for decades, called out Coulter on her total lack of support and advocacy, especially on Issue 1.

Pro-life activist Lila Rose laid out the facts about Issue 1—facts that have everything to do with the reality on the ground. A reality that both Republicans and Democrats choose to ignore.

Lessons to learn from the loss in Ohio tonight — Money matters: Pro-abort outspent pro-life by $12M+ 
Media matters: Constant pro-abort ads bombarded Ohioans 
Words matters: The pro-abort wording of Issue 1 was deceptive & confusing  
Party support matters: Dem party put the $$ in. GOP is not matching the cash.  
If we want to win, the above must change.

Let’s launch off the last two: Words and Party Support. The GOP donors have always felt social issues are a losing proposition, which is why they are so late to the party on the parent’s rights movement and the so-called gender-affirming care. They are squeamish and shaky in their positions because they really don’t believe in them. Democrats, whether they believe in it or not, are all in with their agenda and are in lockstep in their messaging (aka lies) as well as their funding. Here’s an enlightening challenge: Find out how much Emily’s List rakes in as opposed to the Susan B. Anthony List. Better yet, PPFA versus any pregnancy resource center or pro-life organization. Question for Rep. Nancy MaceSen. J.D. Vance, and Sen. Tim Scott. Why are my tax dollars still supporting PPFA and their death merchants? 

So, it is arrogant and offensive of Republicans to lay their failings at the feet of the pro-life movement, who have done and continue to do the hard work of upholding life for all of life, and who put their money where their mouth is by funding foster care, pregnancy centers, and organizations that promote life and not death.

The organization Kids to Love is a powerful example of this. The state of Alabama is staunchly pro-life, and to its credit, the elected officials uphold this as well with their wording and their legislative support. Tuberville is one of our finest examples. The CEO of Kids to Love has proclaimed that in light of the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022, they are ramping up the good work they already have been doing by ensuring the state of Alabama isn’t just pro-life but pro-lifetime.

“We truly are the vessel to get families who want a child connected with these babies that need a family. It’s not about the money,” Marshall said. “For us, it’s truly about making a lifetime of change.”
She said Kids to Love was instrumental during the last legislative session in getting the Safe Haven bill passed. The new law provides a safe way for mothers to surrender their child for up to 45 days after birth, either to a hospital or in temperature-controlled “baby boxes.” Marshall said she hopes to have 13 boxes placed at firehouses and other strategic places throughout the state by the end of the year.

Creating avenues to uphold life and not just condemning actions is pivotal. How many Republican local and regional representatives are supporting this type of work in their states?

Kids to Love can help serve these kids throughout their lives. According to the organization’s website, “Kids to Love also operates Davidson Farms, a foster home for girls, the Whitaker Cottage Community for girls aging out of foster care, and our licensed Child Placing Agency. It is also home to KTECH, a private school that offers job training in manufacturing, robotics, and more to young adults and people looking to make a career change.”
“We’ve had a direct impact on the lives of more than 300,000 kids living in foster care,” Marshall said. “We’ve created what we feel is an ecosystem no matter where a child enters the foster care system, we have a program and a support system to meet them where they are, to really guide them from infancy to independence.” 

There are organizations all over the nation doing similar work, even in radical California. With this passage of Issue 1, Ohio pro-lifers are now committed to ramping up their work as well. They need our continued prayers, support, and funding. If Republicans bother to get smart and focus on their own state in order to help organizations that stand for life flourish and thrive, the option to abort will be less of an option. There are a multitude of ways to encourage a culture of life, but enacting national abortion bans and pontificating on matters you neither understand nor support, is not the way. Either get educated or get out of the way. But don’t blame the pro-life movement for your ignorance and lack of support.

This powerful interview is a reflection of what the pro-life movement does and has been doing pre- and post-Roe. Republicans need to recognize and get in line.  

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