
FEC Complaint: Former Intel Officials Strategized to Kill Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal — to Protect Joe

The seemingly never-ending Hunter Biden laptop scandal took a new twist in late October when America First Legal (AFL), a conservative alternative to the uber-liberal Americans Civil Liberties Union, filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging a “coordinated communication” and an “unreported in-kind contribution” to the 2024 Biden presidential campaign, in violation of federal law. 

As I suggested, the laptop scandal itself is “old news.” As my colleague Nick Arama wrote in March 2022:

We’ve known since 2020 that the Hunter Biden laptop was real. But liberal media did all they could to downplay the reality of it, even when you had video of Hunter on the laptop engaged in all kinds of disreputable things, because it was October 2020, just before the election and they wanted Joe Biden to win.

Bingo, then — bingo, still. 

In its complaint, the AFL (founded by former Trump White House whizkid Stephen Miller) wrote:

[The] evidence suggests that the respondents failed to disclose coordinated expenditures constituting in-kind donations with respect to the infamous ‘Letter of 51’ former intelligence officials claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story had ‘all the classic earmarks’ of Russian disinformation.

Lest you forget, the “letter of 51” was signed by 51 former intelligence officials who asserted in 2020— with zero evidence — that the laptop was Russian disinformation.  

Among the signatories were former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and former George W. Bush official, DNI Michael Hayden, a vocal detractor of Donald Trump. 

(Adam Schiff was unavailable for comment.)

The complaint asserts that the 2020 Biden for President campaign, the Biden Victory Fund, the Biden Action Fund, and the Democratic National Committee, should have reported their coordinating efforts to the FEC. 

Enter, Antony Blinken

Former CIA Deputy and Acting Director Michael Morrell in March told the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committees that then-Biden campaign advisor Antony Blinken contacted him on October 17, 2020, to discuss the worsening laptop story.  

Here’s more:

New testimony by Michael Morell, a former Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and one of the 51 signatories of the “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails,” revealed that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then senior advisor to the Biden campaign, was the impetus of the public statement signed in October 2020 that falsely implied the New York Post’s reporting about Hunter Biden was the product of Russian disinformation. 
In response, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) just sent a letter to Secretary Blinken demanding documents and communications related to the Committees’ investigation.

Ah, but there’s more (same source as above):

Morell testified that his communication with Blinken was one of a few communications he had with the Biden campaign, explaining that he also received a call from Steve Ricchetti, Chairman of the Biden campaign, following the October 22 debate to thank him for writing the statement.
Morell also explained that the Biden campaign helped to strategize about the public release of the statement. Morell further explained that one of his two goals in releasing the statement was to help then-[former] Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election.

Clearly, the attempted “fix” was in from the outset — and brazenly so. 

So, where does it go from here? My suspicion is nowhere. This is not to suggest that the FEC complaint isn’t valid — I believe it is, and more — but given what we’ve seen so far, with respect to all things Joe Biden, it’s a safe bet that the same song will remain the same.

The Bottom Line

The notion that Blinken, Brennan, Clapper, & Co., in concert with the 2020 Biden campaign and related campaign organizations, figured they pull it off without getting caught was brazen as hell. 

Then again, Biden won the election, their only objective, so they did just that. 

Did I mention that Adam Schiff wasn’t available for comment?

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