
WATCH: Police Officer’s Expert Handling of Woke Woman Suspected of Drunk Driving Wins the Day

First responders unquestionably see lots of strange and disturbing situations during the course of an average work week that most of us never will, with police officers and sheriff’s deputies most often being the ones on the front lines trying to manage it all.

In some instances, things can turn scary, ugly, and even deadly. Others are pretty run-of-the-mill.

But then there are those incidents that fall somewhere in between, which is where one New Mexico officer found himself during a traffic stop where he had a woman he suspected of drunk driving pull over so he could question and test her according to police procedure.

The young woman, as you’ll see in the undated video clip, tries to tell the officer while she’s still in the vehicle that the reason she was driving the wrong way is because she got turned around being in a new town and all.

She then proceeds to tell him she has “really bad social anxiety and stuff” and that she doesn’t want to get out of the car, because she knows that’s what he’s going to ask next.

The officer politely informs her that they are “past that” and then tells her to get out of the car, and it’s at that point we get a lot of claims about her being an “indigenous” “non-binary” person who has issues with white male cops. Several times she admits she was “triggered” because he kept calling her “ma’am.” When she again said she had bad social anxiety, the officer said he did, too, which appeared to confuse her for a minute.

The roughly three-and-a-half-minute edited video was filled with instances where the woman was coming up with every woke excuse in the book to try and get the officer to let her go, even telling her at one point that she was “severely depressed.” But her stall attempts didn’t work and he put her in handcuffs toward the end of the video as she protested her arrest – even resisting at a couple of points as she told him “f*** you.” She also refused to take an alcohol breath test, which the officer said for New Mexico meant she’d lose her driver’s license for a year.

In my opinion, this was pretty close to a textbook way for an officer to handle an obnoxious alleged drunk driver, especially one who believes, as radical leftists in Congress do, that playing the non-binary “person of color” card constitutes a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Not to this officer, who was patient and humored her at some points but who ultimately did what he should have done, which was to get her off the streets in case she was a danger.


If this woman truly does have anxiety and severe depression issues, I really do hope that she gets the help she needs. But I suspect law enforcement officers hear these things all the time and, understandably, even if true it doesn’t change the fact that people allegedly driving drunk, including the woke ones, still need to face the consequences of their actions.

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