
Sky News Anchor Gives Evil Defense of Hamas, Israeli Spokesman Absolutely Eviscerates Her

AP Photo/Kin Cheung

I had always been under the impression that Sky News was less left-wing than the BBC, but it’s becoming clear my impression was false. 

Any facade of credibility was torn down on Thursday after “journalist” Kay Burley questioned whether Israel releasing more Hamas terrorists than they were receiving in hostages somehow showed that Israel values “Palestinian lives” less. It was perhaps the dumbest question ever asked by a news anchor on live television. You expect bias. You don’t necessarily expect stupidity on that level.

BURLEY: I was speaking to a hostage negotiator this morning. he made the comparison between the 50 hostages that Hamas has promised, promised to release as opposed to the 150 prisoners that are Palestinians that Israel has said that it will release, and he made the comparison between the numbers and the fact that, does Israel not think that Palestinian lives are valued as highly as Israeli lives?

Sky News wasn’t done debasing itself. Israeli Government Spokesman Eylon Levy went back on the network the next day, and he was once again faced with moronic pro-Hamas propaganda. A fair warning, this is truly evil stuff coming from whoever this “journalist” is.

JOURNALIST: It is Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza who’s negotiating. He’s wheeling and dealing all of this and currently deciding who comes out and who doesn’t despite Israel’s bombardment, over 50 days. Despite the huge death toll that we’ve seen. So have your operations actually been successful?

Yes, that’s a mainstream press journalist at one of the world’s largest news outlets actually going to bat for a terrorist leader, suggesting that he is acting benevolently and should actually be thanked for deciding to release hostages. I’m almost at a loss for words, but not quite. 

Levy eventually got to respond once she finished her rant.

JOURNALIST: Yahya Sinwar remains, you haven’t managed to go after him. 
LEVY: Our operation has two main goals in response to the October 7th massacre. The first is to destroy Hamas’ military and governing capabilities so it can never hurt our people again and the second is to bring back our hostages. On the question of the hostages, we’re seeing action and we hope to get the first batch out today because Hamas is responding to military pressure. Not because it decided to be humanitarian. Not because it has released that abducting babies is evil but because it is begging for a breather, wants that pause, and is willing to give up those hostages. 
And on the question of destroying Hamas’ military infrastructure, that operation has also been very successful. We’ve seen over 400 tunnels exposed and destroyed. You have the army inside that terror complex in the Shifa hospital. The media have been taken in there, exposing Hamas’ crimes against humanity and abusing the humanitarian status of the institutions…

At that point, the journalist cut away to show a live shot of the hostages being released, abruptly ending the interview. I’m pretty sure the timing wasn’t coincidental. She was getting absolutely eviscerated, and the last thing she wanted to do was have to respond. 

Mainstream press journalists are mostly cowards. They hide behind their teleprompters and pre-written questions, claiming to just be unbiased observers. The moment they receive pushback, they fold. Sky News should be ashamed of itself. It won’t be, but it should be. 

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