
Joe Biden’s Post-Thanksgiving Speech Has People Wondering What the Heck He’s Talking About

Joe Biden is back from yet another vacation, though I suppose taking off for Thanksgiving is a little more understandable than his regular beach getaways. Arriving back at the White House on Monday, he was quickly shuffled out into the Treaty Room to deliver a speech on how he’s delivered “lower costs for families.” 

That might come as a surprise to those who, you know, actually buy their own groceries, pay their own rent, and purchase their own gas. Still, the reality of the situation didn’t stop Biden from making this head-scratching claim. 

The claim is that “as a share of earnings,” this year’s Thanksgiving dinner was the “fourth cheapest ever on record.” Talk about a tortured statistic that insultingly dismisses the very real concerns American families have about how expensive things are. No one that I know judges costs as a “share of earnings.” They judge costs by, and stick with me here, how much something actually costs. 

This year’s Thanksgiving was the second most expensive on record. The first most expensive was last year, also on Biden’s watch. A recent RedState article crunched the numbers and found that Thanksgiving dinner in 2023 was 110 percent higher than under the Trump administration. Oh yeah, and real wages are down. So where Biden got this “as a share of earnings” stat from, I’m not sure, but I’d suspect his handlers are playing games with the statistics. 

The same can be said about this next claim.

Again, this is the dumbest form of gaslighting, and the Biden administration does it continually. If you are president and prices skyrocket on your watch, you do not get credit for prices slightly dropping in some select areas. The cost of essentially everything is way up under Biden. That includes the cost of air travel, gas, and yes, turkeys. 

Trying to take credit for any decrease is like running up a credit card and then wanting a pat on the back for running it up marginally less the next year. Biden is the president. He is responsible for what happens on his watch. He does not get accolades for setting the house on fire and then pouring a glass of water on the front steps. 

Moving past that, it wouldn’t be a Biden speech without a bizarre, divisive outburst that leaves everyone trying to figure out what the heck he’s talking about.

Where have “MAGA Republicans” proposed cuts to “the internet?” That’s not even possible given the nation’s internet infrastructure is private. Biden’s claim makes no sense, but perhaps he was trying to comment on the current FCC push to essentially nationalize the internet. As I wrote recently, it is a devious plan that would see the federal government able to dictate everything from prices to contracts for ISPs. 

If that’s what he means, then yeah, I’d hope that “MAGA Republicans” are opposed to it. It’s tyrannical nonsense that will only stunt development and cause higher prices in the end. Don’t believe me? Just look at the healthcare and education sectors. 

But remember, Biden is all about unity. His Thanksgiving message last week was all about bringing the country together. Except for him, of course. He can apparently rant about “MAGA Republicans” all he wants. 

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