
Moore to the Point – You Can’t Cancel Hanukkah

Maurizio Gambarini/dpa via AP

I hate to break it to the pro-Hamas crowd and their leftist enablers, but they’re backing the wrong horse. I mean, the bright line between good and evil, right and wrong, innocents and terrorists, it’s about as plain as it can be, but even beyond that, if they’re under the illusion that they should and can persuade people to side with them, they’re going about it all wrong. 

Ripping down posters of kidnap victims? Gross. Chanting slogans that call for the extermination of an entire nation or ethnic group? Heinous. Denying atrocities that were filmed by the barbaric perpetrators of them? Disgusting. 

And you know what else won’t work? Trying to cancel meaningful traditions and celebrations held dear by those you’re attempting to intimidate into falling in line. Recently, we’ve heard stories about Christmas tree lightings disrupted by marauding malcontents. 

And now there are stories about municipalities forgoing their annual Hanukkah events due to “escalating tensions.” 

First off, interfering with fun family holiday activities is going to tick way more people off than it will persuade. Second, if you know an ounce of Jewish history, you know it is one of steely resolve and repeatedly overcoming the odds. If one day’s worth of oil nonetheless kept the candle burning for eight, your protest theatre antics are going nowhere. 

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