
Yikes: Rep. Jasmine Crockett Reveals Just What Dems Thinks of People In Red States

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The Democrats make big noise over how much they care about “democracy.”

But I think what democracy means to Democrats is, in truth, the opposite of what it is. I think it means to them: “Everything must be done according to what we think.” Because if they truly cared about democracy, they would appreciate that people might vote differently from them on political issues and respect the will of the voters. 

But Democrats don’t seem to believe in convincing voters of the validity of their policies, which shows that they don’t think their policies would hold up to any real examination or question. Instead, they just attack and demonize anyone who goes against their narrative. 

Listen to this flouncing take from Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) as she assails someone from the Heritage Foundation for daring to promote conservative principles. 

“I know your organization, the Heritage Organization, loovvves Texas, they love Texas, they’re always sending us some nonsense bills um, that somehow set this country on the wrong trajectory,” she huffed. “They send them to Texas, they send them to Florida, every deplorable state that we can think about. They’re usually coming out of y’all’s think tank.”

Yikes, this is her attacking her own state as “deplorable,” in addition to Florida. This is what Crockett thinks of her fellow citizens. And how dare Heritage or conservatives propose things that people vote for and do better with? The discussion was about protecting female athletes and sports programs during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee, but it could have been any conservative position on anything, and she would have gone off. That’s her disdain for the thoughts of millions of people in her own state and others who differ from the Democratic narrative.

This isn’t her first attack on her fellow Americans. We’ve written before about how she disrespected black Americans, saying they were abandoning Biden because “feelings are dictating their reality” and they aren’t “understanding exactly how any of this works.” How dismissive is that? 

Her fellow Texas Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) dropped a little reality on her.

“Our state is so “deplorable” that more than a million people moved here last year and we continue to lead the nation in job creation… Give me a break,” Van Duyne retorted. 

That’s the bottom line. People are fleeing the leftist states for places like Texas and Florida, and that tells you exactly how much the Democrats are failing and the red states Crockett excoriates are succeeding. 

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  1. Crockett shows how liberalism is a mental disorder, they can’t see the truth when it stares them in the face. She should see that liberal policies go against the constitution, the rights of U.S. citizens and it is trying to make slaves of those misinformed people who listen to the democrat rhetoric. People are happier in red states than blue states because of horse pucky liberal laws and the high cost of living in blue states.

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