
Don’t Mess With Texas: Gov. Abbott Orders Hospitals to Report Costs of Care for Illegal Immigrants

AP Photo/Eric Gay

It’s a safe bet that most folks agree that we have a right to know what our tax dollars are being spent on.

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott has ordered precisely this, as he has signed an executive order requiring hospitals in the Lone Star State to report the costs of treatments rendered to illegal aliens.

The order will apply to a range of Texas hospitals and clinics.

This is the right thing to do, whether or not Texas is successful in getting Washington to pick up the tab.

See Related: Crisis at the Border: Under Biden, at Least 99 Illegals on Terror Watch List Released Into United States 

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As I’ve said for years, if you don’t believe that taxation involves taking your money – your resources – with the implied use of force, try not paying your tax bill and see how long it is before whatever level of government you have stiffed sends men with guns out looking for you. Taxation is not voluntary; it is compulsory and is enforced with the full power of government. As taxpayers who are inextricably bound to this system, the very least we can expect is to know what the various levels of government are spending our money on.

Governor Abbott, in signing this order, is not only providing this transparency — he is also revealing the cost of illegal immigration on our strained healthcare system. I’ve heard first-hand accounts of these strains; my oldest daughter, who has worked in emergency medicine for nearly 20 years, has regaled her mother and me time and again with stories of how illegals use the emergency rooms as a clinic, coming in with everything from hangovers to head colds. And this isn’t in Texas; this is in Iowa.

We not only have a right to know how much money this is costing us — we should be demanding to know. Governor Abbott’s order should be an example for the other 49 states.

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