
WTH? Secret Service Breaks Into Massachusetts Salon to Use Bathroom for Kamala Harris Event

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

The Secret Service hasn’t exactly been covering itself in glory lately. Between the “unsolved” cocaine-at-the-White House mystery and the massive security failures that led to former President Donald Trump’s almost being assassinated in July — and the subsequent stonewalling — the agency has rightly earned the mountains of scorn heaped on it of late. 

But as head-scratch-inducing as much of the news is these days, this story out of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, might just take the cake. Secret Service agents, ahead of a July 27 Kamala Harris fundraiser in the area, apparently commandeered — as in taped over the security camera and picked the lock — a local salon and allowed people to use its restroom over the span of a couple of hours. 

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Now, the agency is apologizing for its actions.

The agency has reportedly offered to pay for any damages caused by its actions. 

Still, one has to wonder at the mindset that led the agent(s) involved to believe this was appropriate behavior — and whether they’ll face any accountability for their wholly inappropriate actions. 

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