
Kamala Harris Delegate Supports BDS Ballot Initiative That Accuses Israel of Committing War Crimes

Townhall/Katie Pavlich

One of Vice President Kamala Harris’ delegates is supporting a ballot initiative in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that would attack Jewish organizations in the city for their support of Israel.

Morgan Overton, a Pennsylvania delegate for Harris at the upcoming Democratic National Convention is described as “a quiet supporter of a Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) initiative that would cripple the city’s Jewish organizations and punish its largest hospital system,” in a Washington Free Beacon report.

The initiative, which is called “No War Crimes on Our Dime,” was put forth by the Pittsburgh Democratic Socialists of America. Just days after Hamas’ October 7 surprise attack on Israeli civilians, the organization published a “Statement of Solidarity with Palestine,” in which it expressed its “full and unequivocal support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom.”

In the statement, the group said “We mourn the loss of life across the region which is a direct result of over 75 years of brutal occupation and apartheid including 17 years of a blockade and siege on Gaza, funded and backed by our government.”

If the ballot initiative succeeds, it could have a deleterious impact on several organizations and the communities they serve, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

Under this measure, the city of Pittsburgh could deny city contracts and tax exemptions to the University of Pittsburgh healthcare system due to its ties with Israel.

The cutting of funds to Jewish organizations is also concerning, especially when it comes to security. After the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, America has seen a rising wave of antisemitism across the country. Jewish college students have been targeted for harassment and even violence coming from the pro-Hamas elements demonstrating on campuses.

City controller Rachel Heisler argued that the initiative could harm other city functions, such as the fire department, because it purchases supplies from an Israeli company. In a statement, she said the initiative “could prevent us from carrying out basic City functions, like providing electricity, purchasing life-saving medications, buying protective equipment for first responders, and even fueling police vehicles—to name a few.”

So, to sum it up, Overton and others pushing this BDS initiative are so intent on attacking Israel that they do not care how it will affect the community. These folks are willing to use the government to attack a hospital’s funding and place Jewish folks in jeopardy just to promote their ridiculous crusade against Israel. Sounds about right for the pro-Hamas lobby.

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