
Even ABC’s Jon Karl Busts Huge, Hilarious Hypocrisy of New Harris Ad on Border

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

What are Kamala Harris’ policy positions? 

We don’t really know since, apart from the communistic price control proposal, she hasn’t really set out any policy positions on her website, and she isn’t doing any interviews or press conferences to answer any questions. We’re told from random reports and staffers that she has flipped on some of her prior positions but we don’t even know if that’s true since she hasn’t said so. 

Harris did have one other policy pronouncement. She ripped off the “no taxes on tips” concept— after former President Donald Trump had already come up with the policy. That’s something when the only things you can say are things you rip off or are so radical even a Washington Post op-ed is calling them out. 

She is trying to sell people on the notion that she will somehow solve all the problems…that she helped cause in the Biden-Harris administration. That if she’s elected, she will, on the first day, solve the problems that she isn’t solving now while she is in power. That’s a pretty tough sell. 

READ MORE: WaPo Busts Kamala in Glorious Op-Ed Linking ‘Communist’ and Her Proposed ‘Price Controls’

Harris has a new ad out that even ABC’s Jon Karl finds astonishing in its hypocrisy. Karl said one thing he found striking in her ad was that there are “at least three points in that ad that show the border wall, Donald Trump’s border wall.”

“Is it now the position of the Democrats that they favored the border wall?” Karl said incredulously. 

Indeed. Do they think that Americans have been asleep at the switch for the past several years as the Democrats called the wall racist and did everything to try to stop it while Trump managed to build a lot of it anyway despite their efforts? Biden-Harris then stopped building it when they took office, costing us millions more NOT to build the wall and just have the material sit. Then, when the Republicans introduced legislation to make them use the material, the Biden-Harris team began selling off the wall material at a huge loss.

But now they want to feature it in their ads as though they were responsible for it? It’s really a hilarious acknowledgment from Harris that Trump was right. 

Yikes: Biden Paying Ton of Taxpayer Money to Suspend Operations on Border Wall

Meanwhile, Biden-Harris did away with the security Trump put in place, and the illegal alien influx skyrocketed. As it skyrocketed, Biden-Harris claimed for years the border was “secure” and ignored the problem they had created. The ad takes some gall as the border was her big charge, and she did nothing to solve it, yet she tries to paint herself as a “border state prosecutor” who “prosecuted border gangs” and promoted the “toughest patrol bill in decades.” She and Biden actually have made the border cartels incredibly rich with their failures. Pretending as though she’s been tough on the border is just outer limits. 

I can imagine anyone looking at that ad if they’re a normal American and thinking the same thing as Karl. “What nerve!” 

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