
Incentives Matter: Britain Is Raising Taxes, and the Productive Are Fleeing

Yui Mok/PA via AP

One unshakable law of economics is this: What you reward, you get more of, and what you tax, you get less of. 

The government of the formerly Great Britain doesn’t seem to understand this fundamental law. They are proposing to hike taxes and fees, and high-income and wealthy (which are not always the same thing) Brits are looking to the exits.

We can hardly blame them.

This should surprise any of us on this side of the Atlantic, and there is a similar exodus happening here, from blue states to red states.

Incentives matter, and the United Kingdom and a lot of our blue states are getting those incentives all wrong. That’s why the productive are fleeing.

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As one Brit points out, the very people being targeted in these tax hikes and new levies are the people who are most able to pack up and split.

Two-Tier Keir claims that the British subjects “with the broadest shoulders” should carry the burden, much the same kind of stupidity as an American politician claiming the “rich must pay their fair share.” The problem is that high-income earners in the United States are already paying far more than their fair share. But that doesn’t matter; not to liberal pols in Britain or the United States. For all of the left’s prattle about “making the rich pay their fair share,” these politicians don’t mean it, and they know they don’t mean it. They can’t mean it. The rich are the most capable, after all, of making use of tax shelters. They have off-shore accounts, batteries of tax attorneys, and every other possible means of shielding income from taxation. The middle class, especially independent business owners, have no such resources, and it is always – always the middle class on whom the burden of this taxation-which-is-theft always falls.

Incentives matter. Britain and the blue states here don’t understand that, and their economic woes will only grow worse until they figure it out.

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