
Nolte: Fetterman Says Trump Has ‘Special Kind of Hold’ with PA Voters After Assassination Attempt

AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File

U.S. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) admitted that Donald Trump “has created a special kind of a hold” with Pennsylvania voters after remaking the Republican Party and that this hold “only deepened after that first assassination attempt.”

That first assassination attempt, of course, occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13 and resulted in the former president taking a bullet to the head when it ripped through his ear.

Speaking at the Atlantic Festival, Fetterman said, “Trump has created a special kind of a hold … and he’s remade the party and he has a special kind of place in Pennsylvania,  and I think that only deepened after that first assassination attempt.”

“I also want people to understand … there’s energy and there’s kinds of anger on the ground in Pennsylvania, and people are very committed and strong,” the senator added. “Trump is going to be strong and … we have to respect that.”

When asked what advice he would give sitting Vice President Kamala Harris, Fetterman wisely backed down fearing an accusation of “mansplaining.”

“I’m not going to sit down with a sitting vice president and tell her or say ‘Hey, no, no you better,’” he said. “I’m certainly not going to ‘mansplain’ that [to] the vice president, and she’s perfectly capable.”

The polling in Pennsylvania, the state that will likely decide the election, is all over the place. In the four most-recent polls, the race is tied or Trump is up by a point or two. In four second most-recent polls (and we’re talking about only a day or two earlier), Kamala is up by three to five points. In other words, nobody knows anything.

The real question Fetterman answered here is why, after this second assassination attempt on Trump’s life, the corporate media didn’t take a single moment to express concern for Trump. Instead, these monsters jumped right into blaming him for almost getting murdered. In the immediate aftermath, the coverage was 95 percent negative against Trump.

The corporate media have left no doubt they want Trump murdered. But what they didn’t count on was Trump surviving that first assassination attempt and bravely standing and calling on his people to “fight” after he’d literally been grazed on the ear by a bullet and very nearly shot in the head.

That’s why, for round two of these assassination attempts, the media had their talking points fully prepared to tell the country if Trump gets assassinated it’s his fault.

The ghastly Dana Bash is a perfect example. She told her stupid viewers that cat memes caused 33 bomb threats to be called into Springfield, Ohio. She also, without evidence, blamed Trump for those bomb threats. Now, we know those 33 calls were hoaxes made by overseas callers looking to interfere in our elections. Naturally, the ghastly Dana Bash has still not retracted her lies:


This same ghastly Dana Bash then told her stupid viewers that when Democrats and the media smear Trump as a dictator and Hitler and a unique threat to democracy and a Nazi lover, this would never-ever-ever incite an assassin:

So the media are both encouraging Trump’s assassination and have laid the groundwork to blame him if it happens.

But according to Fetterman, that plan backfired some in Pennsylvania.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

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