
State Department IG Says Disgraced Former Iran Envoy Robert Malley Had Top Secret Access and No Clearance

CREDIT: Dean Calma / IAEA

The State Department Inspector General has released a blistering report documenting how probable Iranian agent-of-influence Robert Malley was allowed to have access to highly classified information and meetings even after his security clearance was belatedly pulled by the Biden-Harris regime for mishandling classified information. Unlike former President Trump, Malley was never prosecuted for his mishandling of classified information even though he was closely affiliated with an Iranian-sponsored group dubbed the “Iran Experts Initiative” (IEI), a network of influential academics and researchers across the world who would advocate on behalf of Tehran on several important issues — see High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington.

The words “deviated” and “confusion” are doing a lot of heavy lifting in the reporting as the White House lied to Congress about Malley’s status.

BACKGROUND: State Dept. Grilled About New Biden Scandal: Rob Malley, Iran, Classified Docs, Even ‘Treason’ Question Raised – RedState

In addition to lying, the State Department did not take action to limit Malley’s access to highly classified information and meetings. Rather the opposite, the State Department’s senior leadership hid Malley’s lack of security clearance so it could not be enforced.

It isn’t clear exactly what resulted in the suspension of Malley’s clearance, as the State Department has refused to explain it to Congress. What is clear is that Iranian media is the best source of information on his suspension.


Congressional Republicans Find Evidence Biden’s Iran Envoy Downloaded and Shared Classified Docs

Finally, Congress Is Investigating Iran Envoy Rob Malley, Whose Closest Advisors Are Linked to Tehran

State Dept. Grilled About New Biden Scandal: Rob Malley, Iran, Classified Docs, Even ‘Treason’ Question Raised

Biden Admin Has Another Classified Doc Problem – This Time Involving ‘Lack of Candor’ and Iran 

Malley has long had problematic connections to the Iranian regime that call into question his suitability for any federal position outside a federal penitentiary; see In Vienna, the Biden Administration Is Giving Away the Store to Iran, and Russia Is Helping.

As noted earlier, Malley was the head of what amounts to an Iranian intelligence operation to affect US policy on Iran. When he entered the Biden-Harris regime, he brought along acolytes who were placed in influential positions inside the defense and foreign policy apparatus. One of those,  Ariane Tabatabai, became chief of staff to Christopher Maier, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, the Defense Department’s top counterterrorism official.


Why Is Alleged Iranian Operative Ariane Tabatabai Still Working in the Pentagon? 

What Was the Role of the Iranian Spy Ring in the US Government in the ‘Intelligence Blunder’ With Hamas? 

Tabatabai seems to be protected by Kamala Harris; see Defense Official With Frequent White House Visits and Known Iranian Ties Has a Link to Kamala Harris.

The long-term protection and coddling of Malley, a guy who can be described without malice or hyperbole as a hardcore Iranian sympathizer, shows the degree to which hostile foreign powers penetrate the Biden-Harris gang. The “investigation” of Malley of improperly handling classified information is both an exemplar and a warning. It is an exemplar in that the Department of Justice is pursuing a political prosecution of former president Donald Trump on that point, while the documents in question were stored in a place guarded by the Secret Service, but are unwilling to prosecute someone in Kamala Harris’s circle who seems to have given classified information to Iran. It is a warning because if Harris is elected, Malley’s investigation will go away, and he’ll end up with a senior position at the State Department or the National Security Council.

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