
Can We Talk About the Real Election Interference Playing out Before Our Eyes?

At this point, could it be any more obvious? 

The Democrats are working desperately to keep Trump off the ballot with lawfare, hoping that one of the four indictments will take him out before the election. But that’s not likely to stop him, as he’s said he intends to continue to run no matter what they throw up against him. 

So their next option is to impair him so much with legal action that he can’t campaign as he normally would. That’s going on now. As we reported on Monday, the date set by Judge Tanya Chutkan in the election case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith is March 4, and some, like attorney Leslie McAdoo Gordon, called the date set absurd given the defense needs in the case. Fair trial? What’s that? It seems a quaint thing at this point, with everything we’re seeing. 

There’s also something interesting about that date, as Fox’s Laura Ingraham points out. It’s the same day that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis wanted to start the trial regarding the charges in Georgia

Why does there seem to be an interest in that day? That’s the day before Super Tuesday, perhaps one of the busiest days of the campaign season, where normally you might be hitting multiple states to talk to people. So Trump wouldn’t be able to campaign that day and probably less so in the lead-up because he’d have to get ready for the trial if the trial date is not changed. 

Then, even if Trump wins, they want to make sure that he won’t be president, as they also try to pursue a 14th Amendment claim to box him out. Those efforts are not likely to prevail, in my opinion, but at this point, they’re throwing anything in Trump’s way, hoping to trip him up. 

So, who is trying to interfere in elections here? The Democrats are trying to do it right in front of our eyes.

As Victor Davis Hanson explained in the above clip, it’s because Democrats don’t have a lot to run on. Joe Biden is a mess, and his record is awful. He has incredibly low approval, and Americans hate how he’s blown up the economy, costing us hundreds of dollars more each month. They also know Biden has serious issues (physical, mental, legal). So the only way the Democrats can hope to win is to obscure all that by screaming, “Trump, Trump, Trump.” Except Americans know how much better they had it under Trump, and that’s looking pretty good right now. 

It’s also the case that there is all kinds of damning evidence coming together, including the whistleblowers, Devom Archer, Viktor Shokin, plus still more documents and witnesses. So it’s no exaggeration to say the walls are closing in on Joe Biden. The House GOP is pursuing it, finally, with some gusto. That’s why Democrats are desperate to deflect away from Biden. But even that keeps highlighting problems. Ingraham pointed out the interesting coincidence that Chutkan used to work at the same firm where Hunter Biden was of counsel. They both worked for the firm between 2010 to 2014. 

As Hanson notes, the Democrats don’t know how their obsession to get Trump will play out. But that’s energizing and empowering the right because of the injustice of it all. I also think most Americans see this as a danger that goes even beyond Trump. If this tactic is allowed to prevail, then we truly have become a banana republic, and we’re done. It’s why we have to do all we can to stop it now and win. 

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