
WATCH: Mitch McConnell Has Another Scary Health Episode, Staffer Has to Step In

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had another scary health episode on Wednesday. McConnell had previously frozen up on camera, appearing to be completely unaware of his surroundings, back in July. 

That video went viral, prompting questions about whether the senator could continue to fulfill his duties. At the time, his staff stated that he had simply become dehydrated. Now, another viral episode is raising the same concerns. 

In the video, McConnell is seen staring blankly after being asked a question about running for re-election in 2026. Eventually, what I assume is a staffer walked up and acted as if he just didn’t hear the question, but after shouting it in his ear, he still didn’t respond. After about 30 seconds of nothing, the clip ends with the same staffer asking reporters to “please speak up.” 

It’s an extremely uncomfortable visual, and one that is not easily explained away by claims of dehydration, though that again is what his office blamed for the incident. 

Jumping into my own feelings on this matter, there are going to be some Republicans who don’t call for McConnell to retire. I think that’s foolhardy. It is clear that the senator is suffering from some kind of mental issue that should preclude him from remaining in office. I’ve said the same thing about Joe Biden more times than I can count, and I’m not going to be a hypocrite just because someone on my team is suffering from the same decline. 

For those worried about who will replace McConnell, Kentucky changed the law in 2021 so that the current senator’s party gets to make three choices which are submitted to the governor. The governor would then make the final decision. In other words, unlike other states, McConnell can safely resign with the assurance that a Republican will replace him despite Kentucky having a Democrat governor. 

Lastly, I’ll just reiterate my overarching thoughts about politics and age. The desperation for power by these people who are nearing 80 years old or are already over that mark is sad. It is not normal, and it is not something we should keep encouraging. There are some 330 million people in the United States, with the vast majority being adults. The idea that the best we can do are the same geriatric politicians year after year is farcical. Voters need to wake up and exact change or what we saw with McConnell today will keep happening.

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