Did I call it or what? When news reports were published about the Biden administration forming an Office of Gun Violence Prevention, it was obvious to myself and others that this wasn’t really about curbing gun violence, but an effort to further limit the right to keep and bear arms.
The White House announced the formation of the office on Friday, and none other than Vice President Kamala Harris will be heading it up. Harris made a video announcement on the same day confirming my suspicions.
Hey, everybody. So I have some big news to share. We are announcing the creation of the first ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. And we are doing this work in large part because of the activism, the organizing, the marching, the voting of all of you leaders, be it students, parents, teachers, community leaders who understand that living free from gun violence should be a right. So we’re going to work on this together. We’re going to continue to fight for reasonable gun safety laws and for the ability of all people to live their best lives free from fear, free from violence. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.
Because you marched, organized, and voted, we passed the most significant gun safety legislation in 30 years. But let's be clear — we have more work to do.
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) September 22, 2023
Today, I am proud to share that I will oversee the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. pic.twitter.com/i16sAr98Yz
See what I mean?
Harris and her ilk believe that the only way to combat gun-related violence is to disarm people who do not use their firearms to commit violent crimes. It has been a failing strategy for years. Nevertheless, the anti-gunners insist that curbing gun ownership is the answer. It’s almost like their true objective is to disarm the public under the guise of fighting gun violence.
However, there is a silver lining in this development. If Vice President Harris is responsible for the new entity’s quest to limit gun ownership, it is almost sure to fail. Indeed, we could not have asked for a more incompetent figure to lead this endeavor than Harris, who has shown time and time again that she is woefully unequipped for these initiatives. Just look at how she has handled the border crisis so far.
Still, what we are seeing here is another attempt on the part of the Biden administration to sidestep Congress, which has failed to pass legislation that would implement the president’s radical anti-gunner agenda. Even the law that was passed last year, which strengthened background checks, was not extreme enough for the White House.
Because of this, the administration has been forced to seek out other ways to make it harder for responsible Americans to own and carry firearms. The ATF has been instrumental in this. Yet, it has been about as effective at stopping gun violence as McDonald’s is to curing diabetes.
Of course, this is not to downplay the severity of violent crime and the threat it poses to public safety. The nation has seen a sharp rise in mass shootings. Gun violence has grown even more serious – especially in cities. It is clear that the government needs to take action to protect those who have to live in fear of violent crime on a daily basis. This can only be done by addressing the root causes of crime and cracking down on violent criminals. This new office will do none of that because it doesn’t involve keeping regular folks from owning guns.
if kamala is running this new office it is sure to fail…just look at what she did as border czar..she did absolutely nothing…she is a worthless piece of skin !!! !!!