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Sen. Kennedy’s Barb About Kamala Harris Causes Leftist Freakout, But It Only Tattles on Them

AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) is known for being ready with a great quip, and he’s skewered many folks on the left with his wit.  He’s laid into Joe Biden often, including recently slamming him for his weakness on Iran and how that has exacerbated the problems in the Middle East. 

Kennedy was at it again this week, as he laid into both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their failures. Kennedy said he thought the border was a “bleeding wound,” noting that since Biden and Harris came in about 8.4 million people had entered our country illegally.  

“That’s 4 Nebraskas,” he explained, saying that we don’t have the slighted idea of who all the people are. “this administration believes in open borders. Why is that? Because this administration has embraced the Neo-Socialist woke wing — loon wing — of the Democratic Party.” 

Kennedy continued the the American people maybe “poorer” under Joe Biden, but “they’re not stupid” and they see the open border. “They experience inflation. They see the rampant crime. The American people look around and see the world on fire. The war in Ukraine. The war in the Middle East. Um, the embers smoldering in China.” 

The American people have concluded that Joe Biden is old, Kennedy said, referencing polls, “And he needs soup and an early bedtime.” He also noted that the American people had concluded that Kamala Harris is “not capable” and that “when her IQ gets to 75 she should sell.” “Again, I’m not saying that’s fair or accurate, but that’s the conclusion today that the American public have reached,.” he said. 

Now that’s vintage Kennedy, funny and getting the pulse of the American people, as he so often does. 

But that caused a leftist freakout. Why? Because somehow attacking Harris’ IQ is “racist.” Oh, and misogynistic too. 

According to the Huffington Post headline, his “crude joke about Kamala Harris is full-on racist, critics say.” They further tried to skewer him in their story. 

MacCallum did not react to the joke, but people on social media did ―calling it “racist,” “misogynistic,” “disgusting and unnecessary” and “hateful.” 

So I’m curious.

What’s racist and misogynistic — the guy who rips Democrats of all races and genders equally based on their actions or the people who think race and gender are somehow implicated when Kennedy makes a joke about low IQ and says nothing about race or gender? Did they miss the truth-telling on white male Joe Biden in the same remarks?

Hint: it isn’t Kennedy who has the problem. This is tattling on Democrats when they think this way, when they equate race and gender with low IQ.

What they’re truly upset about is that the criticism of the administration is on the mark. As Bo Snerdley notes, “Race card? Nah. “Funny card? Yes.” 

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