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SAI Files Lawsuit Against D.C. ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

AP Photo/Michael Conroy

What is and is not Constitutional is going to continue to be a hotbed of debates going forward as pro-liberty forces collide with progressive anti-American pinkos. One thing that’s going to be a big stick in the anti-liberty camp’s craw is that a left of center justice all but ensured we’ll win every so-called “assault weapons” ban case going forward. That said, the Second Amendment Institute recently filed a lawsuit against the District of Columbia challenging their prohibition on one of America’s most commonly held arms.

The case, Yzaguirre v. District of Columbia, was filed in the District Court of the District Of Columbia on June 25, 2024. The complaint seeks to enjoin the District from enforcing its “total and complete prohibition on a substantial set of semiautomatic firearms, a common and popular category of arms.” The complaint observed that Sotomayor’s dissent in Garland v. Cargill acknowledged that “‘semiautomatic rifles’ like the AR-15 are ‘commonly available.’”

“Mr. Yzaguirre previously sought to register an AR-15 that he purchased as a Delaware resident to keep in his home for self-defense,” a release stated. “The Metropolitan Police Department denied his registration application, citing the District’s ban on so-called ‘assault weapons.’ Under District law, a person cannot possess a firearm unless it is registered.”

Yzaguirre is being litigated by attorney George L. Lyon Jr.; a member of SAI’s board of directors who has litigated many firearms related cases in the District over the years, recently helping Dick Heller secure a win in a so-called “ghost gun” ban challenge. Joining Lyon in representing Yzaguirre is Edward M. Wenger of Holzman Vogel Baran Torchinsky and Josefiak, PLLC.

Why the District keeps such bans in effect is beyond me. This is the type of litigation the anti-liberty crowd is not likely happy to see being launched and I wouldn’t be surprised if they move to change their regulations to moot the case. Either way, there’s a likely win for Yzaguirre, his co-plaintiffs, Lyon, and Wenger on the horizon.

The ban and regulation of such arms goes patently against the principles that our founding fathers subscribed to, and there’s no such historical analogue that even comes close to prohibiting such commonly held arms. Finding analogues is going to be a very difficult burden to meet considering the private ownership of cannon by citizens was not regulated at the time of our founding, 1791, and in many cases such regulations don’t exist even today.

The brief notes:

This is an exciting time to watch statues, rules, and laws regulating the Second Amendment get challenged. I wish the SAI luck in their endeavors. I’ll be keeping a close eye on how this case progresses and will report back with any updates.

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