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Fake Rabbi Strikes Again, Unleashes Epic Troll on Rep. Cori Bush

The news of the day is too often serious, and these days, it’s far too often upsetting. So when a news item emerges that makes one burst out laughing, it’s a pleasant change of pace. When that news item involves one of the notorious socialist “Squad” being taken in by a prankster, it adds a big helping of schadenfreude to the mix.

In the latest, Squad member Cori Bush (D-MO) was taken in by a fake rabbi running a parody anti-Israel X account.

Cori Bush isn’t the first Squad lackwit to be taken in by the fake rabbi.

Previously on RedState:Hilarious: Jamaal Bowman Falls for Troll from Social Media Account of ‘Chief Rabbi of Gaza’ 

A quick look at the “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” X account makes it abundantly obvious that the entire thing is a parody; there is certainly no “Chief Rabbi of Gaza,” and if Cori Bush’s campaign had two active brain cells to rub together, they would have realized this at the outset. They didn’t, which speaks volumes.

But wait! There’s more!

A “final solution.” And they still missed that this was an obvious troll.

See Related: Sore Antisemitic Loser: Jamaal Bowman Says Jewish Money ‘Brainwashed’ Voters Into Voting Against Him 

New: Cori Bush Gets Big Warning Sign the Day After Comrade Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat

Look, one of my longest-standing pet peeves is when someone (and to be fair, people on both sides do it) assumes that if another person disagrees with them on a given issue or range of issues, they must be stupid or, at least, ignorant. But in the case of Cori Bush and, apparently, her staff, it’s hard to see this as anything but an eloquent example of nitwittery on the loose. Rep. Bush’s antisemitism is notorious, and evidently, not only she but also her campaign staff are blinded by that antisemitism to the point where they are doing zero due diligence on offers for hosting fundraisers — in Gaza. For crying out loud, do these people not understand how a liberal American politician, and a “woman of color” to boot, is likely to be received in a land ruled by Hamas? Do they not realize something that a ten-second internet search could reveal, that not only is there no “Chief Rabbi of Gaza” but that the only Jews in Gaza are the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces who are un-aliving Hamas fighters as fast as they can hunt them down?

St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell is challenging Rep. Bush in the Missouri primary election and is currently polling ahead of the Squad member. This is a solidly Democratic district, so the nomination is tantamount to winning the election. It’s not often we find ourselves rooting for a Democrat, but it’s impossible not to favor challenger Wesley Bell in this case. With any luck, he’ll unseat Cori Bush and send her back to her Missouri home to try to find some other work.

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