
Biden in Vegas Shouts at the NAACP, Battles the Teleprompter, and Praises the BLM Riots

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Desperate to turn around his collapsing re-election effort, Joe Biden is hitting at the far-left highlights as we head into the thick of campaign season. On Tuesday, the president addressed the NAACP, or as he called it during his speech, the “NAAC.” 

ALSO SEE: Biden in Michigan Forgets Names, Rambles Incoherently, and Gets Heckled

The moment I saw he was using a regular teleprompter and not his jumbotron, I knew there’d be issues. 

I just want to pull this guy aside and ask him why he’s always shouting. In his recent interview with Lester Holt, Biden was also angry in his pronouncements. It comes across as completely unhinged. Why does he continue to do it? I can only suspect that he believes it makes him appear strong and in charge. The rest of us are playing out the “why are we shouting” scene from “Anchor Man.”

Keep in mind that everything he’s attempting to say is literally scrolling in front of his face on the teleprompter, and he still can’t manage to give a speech to a friendly audience without exposing his abject senility. It’s so common at this point that I almost dread writing these articles. How much can be said about the president being completely gone? Yet, in the lead-up to the election, American voters must see Biden for who he is. The stakes are too high so I’ll keep popping migraine pills and reporting on this stuff. 

Biden did mention his new rent control plan, which is objectively insane. 

Forget his brain being mush. Price controls destroy economies. They bring about the total collapse of entire nations. The idea that the federal government is going to cap rent hikes at five percent a year is absurd. It’s the kind of plan a desperate, deranged man would come up with because he knows he’s losing badly. If it were to succeed in being implemented, it would force the largest housing crisis in history as investors would stop building new units. 

Speaking of deranged, Biden actually told the crowd that it is Republicans who “want to prosecute political enemies.” Of note is that the president is currently prosecuting his political enemies while Donald Trump never did so when he was in office, letting Hillary Clinton walk.

Being that shameless takes effort. I’ll give him that. 

Continuing that thought, Biden actually tried to claim that he’s making home ownership affordable. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw this clip. 

Mortgage interest rates have risen from the mid-two percent range to over seven percent under Biden. Ask me how I know. In many cases, that translates to nearly doubling the monthly note that one would have paid during the last year of the Trump administration. For Biden to try to steal valor on that point is the kind of gross politics that people are sick and tired of. 

With that said, I’ll end with this pander-bear clip of the president praising the BLM riots that destroyed entire city blocks in 2020. 

Voters need to ask themselves whether they are willing to live through that again because Biden has zero intention of stopping any rioting if it occurs. Well, unless it’s done by those on “the right.” Then he’ll pretend it’s the worst attack on our nation since the Civil War. 


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  1. America Vote Out the Tyrants democrats and liberals and progressives in November We The People decide who will be President not the Evil Democrats.

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