
Trump Honors 13 Fallen Heroes from Afghanistan Withdrawal at Arlington

Anna Moneymaker/Getty

Former President Donald Trump honored 13 fallen American service members from the Biden Administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal during a wreath-laying ceremony Monday at the Arlington Cemetery.

Trump laid the wreath and placed his hand over his heart as a bugler played Taps in honor of those lost on August 26, 2021, during a Kabul airport attack.

Meanwhile, there was nothing on the schedule for President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, who is running to takeover the White House in November, and whose administration conducted the withdrawal.

The 13 American service members were killed during a suicide bombing at Abbey Gate at the Kabul International Airport, where the Biden administration staged a hasty and ill-planned evacuation of thousands of American and other nations’ civilians after it failed to foresee the Taliban entering the capital and overthrowing the U.S.- backed government in a surprise rout.

Those who perished that day include Marine Sgt. Nicole L. Gee; Cpl. Daegan Page; LCpl. David Espinoza; LCpl. Dylan Merola; Cpl. Humberto Sanchez; Cpl. Hunter Lopez; Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, Army SSG. Ryan Knauss; Marine LCpl. Kareem Nikoui; Navy Seaman Maxton Soviak; and Marine SSgt. Darin Hoover; LCpl. Jared Schmitz; and LCpl. Rylee McCollum.

After the ceremony, Trump visited Knauss’s tombstone and called his family, who could not be there.

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