
Texas Democrat Switches Sides to the GOP Over ‘Gender-Affirming’ Treatments for Minors

AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

It’s nice to see a politician acting on principle for once.

Shawn Thierry represents House District 146 in the Texas state legislature. While she lost her primary election in May, she has been a Democrat – until recently. Now she has switched to the GOP for her last few months in office, citing the discussion over a Texas bill banning “gender-affirming” care for minors as her reason for leaving the Democratic Party:

It’s a fine pass we’ve come to when an elected representative feels the need to leave her political party over the question of whether or not we should allow the chemical sterilization and surgical mutilation of children, or the practice of allowing men to compete in women’s sports. Democrats, by and large, support these practices, while Republicans oppose them. That’s what Shawn Thierry is concerned about. Her post continued:

This, dear readers, is a statement of principle. We can hope that state Rep. Thierry is correct in this assessment. And she has paid the price for her expressed principle, which was the main reason she lost her primary election. She was on record early on for supporting the GOP-sponsored bill outlawing “gender-affirming” care for minors and was immediately the target of attacks from her fellow Democrats

It’s important to note that she does not even oppose these treatments for adults; only for children. Yet she was challenged in the Democrat primary and lost over her stance.

Previously on RedState: Federal Judge Blocks Major HHS Rule Equating Sex to Gender Identity 

NEW: Supreme Court Denies Biden Admin. Emergency Request to Partially Reinstate Title IX Rule

It’s baffling, isn’t it, that this should be controversial at all. We do not, after all, allow children – minors – to sign contracts, to get married, to join the military or get married without parental permission, to purchase a firearm, to drink a beer, or to get a tattoo. But national Democrats have made it part of their party’s platform; they profess to believe that children should, in some cases without parental permission or even notification, engage in “transition” which can involve permanent, life-changing treatments.

What makes it all worse is that, in some circles, especially Hollywood, having a “transgender child” is something of a status symbol, making the parents complicit.

So Thierry is now a Republican, and it seems certain we haven’t heard the last from her.

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