
Donald Trump Lights Kamala Harris Up After Iranian Ballistic Missile Strike on Israel

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

On Tuesday, Iran took the extraordinary step of raining hundreds of ballistic missiles down on Israel as retaliation for the destruction of Hezbollah in Lebanon. As of now, injuries and deaths have been minimal, but the Israelis have vowed to respond harshly. 

SEE: Iran Launches Ballistic Missile Attack on Israel 

This is a perilous time for world affairs, and with Americans set to choose the next president in early November, things have suddenly gotten real. That wasn’t lost on Donald Trump, who responded with fire to Harris’ disastrous foreign policy record. In his statement, the former president lambasted the current vice president for her aloofness and staged photo ops. 

The World is on fire and spiraling out of control. We have no leadership, no one running the Country. We have a non-existent President in Joe Biden, and a completely absent Vice President, Kamala Harris, who is too busy fundraising in San Francisco, a City which she and Gavin Newscum totally destroyed, and staging fake photo ops. No one is in charge and it’s not even clear who is more confused: Biden or Kamala. Neither has any idea what is even going on.

He’s not wrong. Right now, Joe Biden might as well be living in Delaware permanently. There is no question he’s completely out of it and not calling the shots on a day-to-day basis. Meanwhile, Harris is doing fundraisers in California during a Katrina-level hurricane catastrophe continuing to unfold in North Carolina and Tennessee. In a scene that would have gotten a Republican absolutely destroyed, the vice president had her handlers photograph her on Air Force Two pretending to take care of business. Many noticed the headphones she had didn’t appear to be attached and the papers in front of her were blank. 

Trump continued by hitting Harris specifically on her subservience to Iran. 

When I was President, Iran was in total check. They were starved for cash, fully contained, and desperate to make a deal. Kamala flooded them with American cash and, ever since, they’ve been exporting terror all over, and unraveling the Middle East. 
Under ‘President Trump,’ we had NO WAR in the Middle East, NO WAR in Europe, and Harmony in Asia, No Inflation, No Afghanistan Catastrophe. Instead, we had PEACE. Now, War or the threat of War, is raging everywhere, and the two Incompetents running this Country are leading us to the brink of World War III. You wouldn’t trust Joe or Kamala to run a lemonade stand, let alone lead the Free World.

Iran was on the verge of collapse when Trump left office. That’s not debatable. Biden and Harris immediately set to undo all that progress, lifting sanctions and restarting pointless “nuclear deal” negotiations. The result has been a resurgent Iran that has the resources to fund high levels of terrorism throughout the Middle East. 

None of this had to happen. Biden and Harris chose to make the horrible foreign policy decisions they’ve made, and as Trump notes, that’s led to war in Europe, war in the Middle East, and a historical blight on American history regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal. Contrary to the belief of the press, who clearly have no interest in either vetting Harris for the presidency or asking questions about Biden remaining in office, the country actually needs a leader. 

Trump ended by claiming that Iran wants Harris to be elected. That’s pretty obvious given the Mullahs have been trying to assassinate the former president.

It is no surprise that Iran desperately wants Kamala Harris to be President, because they know as long as she is in power, they can take advantage of America. That is why they have tried to target me.
If I was in charge, October 7th never happens, Russia/Ukraine never happens, Afghanistan Botched Withdrawal never happens, and Inflation never happens. If I win, we will have peace in the World again. If Kamala gets 4 more years, the World goes up in smoke.”

Right now, if Harris wins, the terrorists win. American voters should consider that as they go to the polls next month.

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